The Singapore Ant
"..........he who gathers little by little makes it grow........." ~ Proverbs 13:11 [This site is best viewed with Mozilla Firefox.]
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
'O' Level & PSLE Revision Workshops. The final lap! Hurry! Sign up now.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Affordable 'O' Level Revision Workshops

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Looking for a job. Check out ST701

Are you looking for a job in Singapore? What about becoming a full-time tutor or a part-time tutor?
If you want to become a full-fledged teacher in a school, why not give a try in tutoring and get a feel of what tutoring students is like? Tutoring may sound simple and effortless but seriously, it takes a lot of patience and quiet confidence on the tutor's part, especially when dealing with a group of students of varying abilities.
So you want to be a teacher of a government schools where the perks, medical benefits and promotion prospects are better? Try tutoring!
Simply click on "Jobs > Education, Childcare & Library" and finally make the necessary selection to fit your need and click on "Search".
All the best to you in getting a Singapore job through ST701. Cheers!

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Printing Services @ affordable prices
Single side, B/W
A4 $0.05 /pc | A3 $0.10/pc (1st - 1000th pcs)
A4 $0.04 /pc | A3 $0.09/pc (1001st - 10 000th pcs)
A4 $0.03 /pc | A3 $0.08/pc (10 001st - 100 000th pcs)
Single side, Coloured
A4 $0.50 /pcs (1st - 1000th pcs)
A3 $1.00 /pcs (1001th - 10000th pcs)
Binding (Ring) - from lowest $1.50 onward (Free Binding sheet )
Please do not hesitate to contact Catherine at 9028 5578 or Patricia at 9746 5542 or email us at pact.intellect@gmail.com
Friday, September 19, 2008
Facebook 3-h Mini Workshop
Learn Facebook Social Networking Skills so that you can benefit from the world of Web 2.0 which, like it or not, will be here to stay. This will be your spring board for such a measly fee for you to truly skyrocket your online or offline business to increase your leads and referrals and ultimately your sales and your bottom line... or even just to widen your circle of contacts by making new friends quickly and easily in the months and years to come! So, hurry ... as seats are extremely limited:
Date : 26 Sept 2008, Friday
Time : 7:30 - 10:30 pm
Venue : A suitable location (to be confirmed)
Target age group : 40s - 50s
Experience : Little or no experience with Facebook
Course fee : US$49.95
Facebook Mini-course details
Contact Roger at 96840454 for further enquiries.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The BEST internet coaching course in town. Learn from the guru.
Below is an overview of the course.
Date for the 2-day course : 27 - 28 Sept 2008
Duration for the 2-day course : 9 am - 6 pm
SEIZE the early bird bonus before it expires on 15 Sept. (Mon) MIDNITE.
[US$199 before it becomes US$299.]
1) Give an overview of Internet business and explain the various components and skills required
2) Explain what Internet marketing is and what to focus on to succeed
3) Teach how to register a domain name for your Internet business
4) Teach how to sign up for a web host for hosting of web site, web pages and/or WordPress blogs
5) Teach how to use the domain control center to accomplish simple tasks like how to configure name servers to point to your web host, how to forward a domain to another
6) Teach how to use the common cPanel features to set up your domain on your web host such as email accounts, email forwarding, addon domains, file manager, and Fantastico
7) Introduce Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) basics like HTML structure of basic web page, how to create hyperlinks with anchor text and how to edit an existing web page
8) Teach how to plan, design and create a direct response web site with downloadable NUV Kompozer HTML software
9) Teach how to FTP web pages and files to the web host with downloadable Filezilla FTP software
10) Give an overview of blogging, it's significance and its applications
11) Teach how to create a simple WordPress blog with WordPress.com
12) Introduces hosting of WordPress blog on own domain as long term 'website' platform for niche marketing
13) Give an overview of autoresponders and their roles and functions and introduction to industry standard products like GetResponse and 1ShoppingCart
14) Teach how to create and manage autoresponders and how to add sequence of email messages
15) Teach how to create HTML form and incorporate into web page or blog to capture names and email addresses of visitors who opt in so as to build a list of prospects and/or customers
16) Explain what is keyword research and how you can apply to improve ranking in search engines for web sites and blog posts
17) Introduce affiliate marketing basics like the different types of programs and which are the profitable programs to promote
18) Teach how to sign up for various affiliate programs (such as Clickbank, Google AdSense and Amazon)#
19) Teach how to promote affiliate products using simple and yet effective strategies
Please write my name if you are sending in the hardcopy form.
Referral name : antmanbiz
Monday, July 28, 2008
Looking for a job? Try ST701.com

Are you looking for a job in Singapore? What about becoming a full-time tutor or a part-time tutor?
If you want to become a full-fledged teacher in a school, why not give a try in tutoring and get a feel of what tutoring students is like? Tutoring may sound simple and effortless but seriously, it takes a lot of patience and quiet confidence on the tutor's part, especially when dealing with a group of students of varying abilities.
So you want to be a teacher of a government schools where the perks, medical benefits and promotion prospects are better? Try tutoring!
Simply click on "Jobs > Education, Childcare & Library" and finally make the necessary selection to fit your need and click on "Search".
All the best to you in getting a Singapore job through ST701. Cheers!